A full-time social case manager, Dave writes strong, emotionally driven songs reminiscent of Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan and Elliott Smith, and has been called a “songwriter’s songwriter”. Originally from the Jersey Shore, Dave has been a Vermont resident since 2015 and has performed at coffeehouses and open mic nights for many years, including a stopover in-studio performance last year at WFVR – Free Vermont Radio/Royalton Community Radio, in South Royalton. Primarily an acoustic guitarist and vocalist, Dave’s songs range stylistically from quirky and witty to introspective and emotional. A theme that dominates much of Dave’s music is that of the individual artist attempting to survive in a culture of materialism and disposability, and is apparent in songs like 'Golden Beam', 'I’m away' and 'Something to Achieve.' To listen to Dave’s songs in advance of the show, check him out on ReverbNation.
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